- Исполнитель
Dublin City Ramblers
8 альбомов
- Festival Folk, Vol. 2
- Festival Folk Irlandese, Vol. 2
- Irish Pub Session
- Classic Irish Love Songs, Vol. 1 (20 Sentimental Favourites)
- 101 Irish Party Favourites!
- Irish Pub Classics Volume 1
- Irish Pub Classics Volume 3
- St. Patrick's Day Ultimate Irish Party Collection
- 20 Favourite Irish Pub Songs, Vol. 2
- 20 de la Mejor Canciones Irlandeses de Pub de Todos los Tiempos, Vol. 1
- Beautiful Northern Ireland
- Legenden der Irischen Folkmusik, Vol. 2
- Echte Irische Kneipen Lieder
- St. Patrick's Day - 30 Irische Lieblingslieder
- Festival Folk, Vol. 3
- Rebels of Ireland (16 Patriotic Irish Songs)
- 20 Favourite Irish Pub Songs, Vol. 1
- A Nation Once Again, Vol. 1 (A Collection of Irish Rebel Songs)
- Essential Irish Rebel Songs
- 25 Most Requested Irish Ballads
- 1916 Easter Rising Centenary Commemoration Collection
- A Nation Once Again, Vol. 2 (A Collection of Irish Rebel Songs)
- Essential Irish St. Patrick's Festival
- Galway Girl (Irish Pub Session)
- A Time for Touching Home (Musical Gatherings and Homecomings)
- The Golden Sounds of Irish Folk
- The Rare Auld Times
- Come On You Girls In Green
- Celebration of Riverdance & Lord of the Dance
- Best Irish Pub Songs
- Essential Irish Dance
- Whiskey in the Jar
- Essential Irish Music Collection
- The Irish American Collection (Music Song & Dance)
- Classic Irish Love Songs, Vol. 2 (20 Sentimental Favourites)
- 60 der Größten Irischen Folkslieder
- Legends of Irish Folk
- 100 Classic Irish Songs
- Essential Irish Pub Songs
- Best of Irish Pub Songs
- The Great Irish Pub Ballads Collection
- Songs and Music from Cork (Classics from the Rebel County)
- Best Loved Irish Songs