- Исполнитель
Kiki Fragouli
5 альбомов
- Panigiri Sto Dramesi-1989
- Glenti Apo Oli Tin Ellada Vol.2
- Pame Gia Tsamiko
- In The Village's Feast
- Kalamatiana
- The Songs Of The Mountain And The Low Lands
- Rebetika, Smyrneika & Dimotika Vol.2
- Greek Festival
- Dimotiko Glenti- Greek Folk Festivity Vol.2
- Complete Guide to Greek Dance
- Greek Tradition Vol.6 (18 Songs Of Morias)
- 18 Wedding Songs - Greek Traditional Music Collection
- A Taste of Greece: Kontosouvli
- The Greek Traditional Music Collection
- Wedding Songs
- Ta Choreftika, Vol.1
- 16 Tragoudia Tis Roumelis:Ellinon Paradosis Vol.7 - 16 Songs Of Roumelis:Traditional Greek Music Vol.7
- Greek Traditional Music Collection - 18 Kalamatiana Dances
- 17 Tragoudia Tou Vounou & Tou Kabou - 17 Tunes Of Valleys And Mountains(Greek Traditional Music Collection)
- The Best Greek Folk Songs and Dances
- Oli I Ellada Chorevei! Vol.2
- Glenti Apo Oli Tin Ellada Vol.1
- The Best Greek Folk Songs
- Pame Sta Klarina Vol.2
- Dimotiko Tragoudi Kai Elliniki Mousiki Paradosi
- Greek Traditional Music Collection - 18 Sirta Dances
- Greek Traditional Musical Collection - 18 Tsamika Dances
- Ah Patrida Mou Glykeia
- The Big Greek Wedding Songs
- The Big Greek Wedding Songs