- Исполнитель
11 альбомов
- 114
- Affin Selection
- 15 - 4
- 151
- 98
- 79
- 127
- 5 Years LTD
- Fragments Of Imagination EP
- Interstellar EP
- Counter Culture EP
- Ambipolar Amazonian
- Rabana EP
- Archives
- Affin Selected 2015
- 6 Years LTD
- 141
- 132
- 147
- Affinity 2
- 144
- Affin Selection
- 60
- 62
- 13
- 10
- Affin Decennium
- 119
- 113
- Retrospective
- Affin Selection
- 103
- 7 Years LTD
- 15 - 3
- Affinities
- 100
- 67
- 108
- 107
- 83
- 140
- 68
- Affin Selected 2018
- 6
- Decennium 1.3
- 10 Years Affin
- 81
- Compilation #3
- Conjunctions (Open Air Edition)
- Leave The Past In Search Of Future, Vol. 2
- Series 4.0
- Evidence Based Vol. 2
- Different Angles (Materia Outdoor Edition)
- Rust in Peace
- Formation 2
- Planet Rhythm Recap 2017
- Conspiracy EP
- Unconscious Perception EP
- Distance EP
- Formation 1
- TGP Extra Series 2014 - 2020
- Affinity 1
- Illegal Alien X Years, Vol. 1
- Naba VA 002
- Kagura EP
- Navigēra
- Final Hour EP
- Celestial Radiation EP
- VA_01
- Depth Surroundings EP
- Various Artists