- Исполнитель
- Artistique Creations, Vol. 9
- 30 Secret Club Weapons, Vol. 9
- Made In Germany, Vol. 18
- Underground Musique, Vol. 24
- international Club Guide Berlin, Vol. 1
- A Year Gone By
- Commands of Rhythm - A Tech House Experience - Episode 2
- Made In Berlin, Vol. 10
- Get Hypnotized: A Unique Collection of Electronic Music, Vol. 8
- Deep & Technoid (Underground House Music)
- The Common Ten, Part 2
- Budenzauber Pres. Deep Underground, Vol. 6-2
- Budenzauber Pres. Deep Underground, Vol. 6
- DIS Love Never Ends
- Doppelgänger Pres. Techhouse Underground, Vol. 2
- Songkran Festival 2014