- Исполнитель
Brooklyn Lovers
1 альбом
- The Beach (House Session)
- The View (50 Deephouse Grooves)
- Around the Deep (Futuristic Deep House Rhythms)
- Dancin' in the Deep, Vol. 9
- Deephouse Cocktail, Vol. 3 (Deephouse Rhythms, Summertime Beach Edition)
- Deep House Music (Superfashion Selection)
- Deep House Rhythms, Vol. 20 (Only for DJ's)
- House Stations, Vol. 1
- Love is the Rhythm (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 1
- House Music Compendium, Vol. 7
- The Deep Sound of House Music (100% Selected Rhythms)
- Top Deep (Contemporary Sequence of Deephouse Rhythms)
- Party Electronique! -, Vol. 3
- Deep-House Seasons, Vol. 1
- Finest Deep (Emotional Waves Selection)
- In the House Tonight: Club Cuts, Vol. 4
- Deep-House Roulette (Rien Ne Va Plus), Vol. 1
- Sunset Waves (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 4
- Deep-House Tempel, Vol. 4
- Private Beach (Open Bar Session)
- Deephouse Compilation (Club Edition)
- Deep N' Tight - One - House & Deep House Tunes
- Deep Squad, Vol. 1
- Club Ibiza, Vol. 2 (Chillhouse Vibes)
- Floating Deep (40 Groovy Tunes), Vol. 3
- Santorini Sunset Kisses, Vol. 1
- Summer Nu Disco (Deephouse Selection)
- Deep-House Weekends, Vol. 1
- Deep-House Couture, Vol. 2
- Total Deep (Refined Rhythms)
- The Brightest Stars (Deep-House Diamonds)
- H Is for House, Vol. 6
- The House Method, Vol. 8
- The Auction House, Vol. 10
- House Desires!, Vol. 7
- Glitter World (Deephouse Selection)
- Contemporary Deep (100% Selected)
- A Mass of Deep Underground, Vol. 2
- Trendy People, Vol. 3
- Under the Sun, Vol. 2 (Deep-House Sandcastles)
- Essence of Deephouse (25 Tracks, Selected Beats)