- Исполнитель
The Alchemical Theory
8 альбомов
- Affin Selection
- 15 - 4
- 79
- 15 - 3
- 92
- 138
- 137
- 60
- 121
- 148
- 129
- 117
- 104
- 90
- Affin Selected 2022
- 45
- 141
- 132
- 143
- Affin Selected 2020
- 105
- Affin Selection
- 95
- 106
- 75
- 74
- 150
- 113
- 78
- Affin Selected 2021
- Affin Selection
- 39
- 71
- Retrospective
- 152
- 98
- 73
- 86
- 9 Years Ltd
- Retrospective
- 72
- Viagem
- 83
- 154
- 109
- 122
- 93
- 126
- 69
- 65
- 120
- 81
- 110
- Unknown Perceptions
- Leave The Past In Search Of Future, Vol. III
- Y
- Transnatural Compilation Series I
- XV - 2
- Subsoil Memories Series III
- Athanor
- Lysergic Connection
- Noritian Mysteries
- Noritian Mysteries II
- Distorted Shapes
- Magnetic Fields
- Metaphysical Communication
- Principia Estructurale, Vol. III
- Esercizi Acustici Obbligatori